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    80€ x 15(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 9 Months
    80€ x 1,5(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 4 Months
    80€ x 3(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 4 Months
    80€ x 4,5(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 4 Months
    80€ x 6(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 4 Months
    80€ x 7,5(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 4 Months
    80€ x 3(h. / session) x 4,5 (weeks) 4 Months
    80€ x 4,5(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 4 Months
    80€ x 6(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 4 Months
    80€ x 7,5(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 4 Months
    80€ x 1,5(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 9 Months
    80€ x 3(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 9 Months
    75€ x 4,5(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 9 Months
    80€ x 6(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 9 Months
    80€ x 7,5(h. per week) x 4,5 (weeks) 9 Months
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